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JIP players experiencing an onslaught of audio upon joining

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Does this have something to do with triggers being global? I have triggers that activate upon mission completion and such. So if 3 missions have been completed, JIP players get a headrush of 6 audio tracks all at once blowing their speakers to oblivion. How would I fix this? onLocal?

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That is most likey the issue. For example, if you have a trigger that activates when there are no enemy left inside a trigger's detectiona area, when a new player JIPs that trigger will activate (since triggers placed in the editor are present on all the server and all clients) because the condition would be true since their would be no enemies inside the trigger area.

Performing a local check may or may not work (it depends on the condition), but I would lean towards it would not work. Are you making tasks complete as well when the triggers activate or just playing audio? The solutions depends on what else happens when the trigger activates.

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