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Tracking a helicopter crash

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Hello! I've been experimenting with trying to get my mission working properly and I've been having some setbacks.

So the mission starts with the player in a helicopter in the air, I have a task set to go to to an LZ with a waypoint and I got all that stuff working. The twist is I also added a trigger that after a certain delay will setHit 9 on the engine of the helicopter. The idea is that you will have to crash land, at which point the previous task should be cancelled.

The problem I'm having is that I don't know how to get the task to cancel at the right time as the setHit has a random timer on it. What I tried to do earlier was adding a public variable to the setHit trigger for something like "enginedamage" and then having another trigger with condition set to enginedamage = true; but the trigger wouldn't work. I've been thinking about other ways of doing this, like maybe tracking if the INST is broken since I've yet to manage to crash land without breaking it(don't know how though) but any other ideas of how to go about this are welcome.

A small sidequestion also; is it possible for me to set a mission destination that isn't on a unit or vehicle, doesn't seem I can use markers with them since I can't synchronize markers with tasks.

I hope someone can shed some light on this and I appreciate any advice.

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