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Alpha game running, but not displaying.

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Hi, guys!

I just bought Arma 3: Alpha from Steam, downloaded last night and went to check it out this morning. However, when I run the game it shows the Alpha loading screen, vaguely, then goes back to the Steam menu where my Arma 3 is located. I go to 'Play this Game,' and it says that a version of this game is already running. I Alt+Tab to look through which programs are running, and go task manager and there's nothing indicating that Arma 3 is running.

Help would be appreciated, thanks!

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close fraps, msi afterburner or any kind of program running on the backround.

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It's still not working... I don't have any programs running except for steam. Also, it shows like the loading screen all of a sudden, but with the steam as the background. It shows up on the toolbar, but then it disappears and when I check task manager, it's still running.

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