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Cockpit view - it seems wrong to me

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This is something I noticed to an extent in Arma 2 when flying helicopters, particularly the Huey and Black Hawk, but now I'm flying in ToH it's kind of worse, because I'm in the cockpit all the time thus I notice it more.

Basically to me the cockpit view looks like you've got your head too close to the windscreen, in some helicopters (like the Bell 412) it looks like you've got your nose pressed to the windscreen! I've tried using the zoom toggle (double tap - on the numpad) but that doesn't really make it any better. I've tried adjusting the FOV in the profile file, but that still doesn't quite work, although it is better.

The top of the cockpit where the windscreen meets the roof seems fixed to the where the eyepoint (where the view is centered) indicates to me the pilots forehead or the top of his head would be as though he's resting his head on that part of the cockpit. Either the pilot is incredibly tall or he's sitting too high up or both!

This all makes it look like a more claustrophobic cockpit than I would think sitting in a Bell 412 would be like!

Is there actually anyway to resolve this?


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