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Making loops of Explosions in A3Alpha

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I can make explosions just like in any other arma game;

b_1=  "M_Mo_82mm_AT" createvehicle getpos t_1;

I have a series of game logics named t_0, t_1 ... t_13.

I would like to blow them all up in a loop, and so far I have the following script.:

for "i" from 0 to 13 do {b_i=  "M_Mo_82mm_AT" createvehicle getpos t_i};

Nothing is happening when the script is triggered.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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The problem is that the script will not automatically turn the number value of "i" into the "i" of portion of "t_i". Each iteration of the loop it justs sees a variable names "t_i" instead of "t_0", t_1", etc. which obviously do not match the names of any of your logics. There is a way to dynamically create variables that point to your logics, but the simpler method (eventhough it is a little more brute force) is to do the following:

_logics = [[color=#3E3E3E]t_0, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_1, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_2, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_3, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_4, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_5, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_6, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_7, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_8, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_09, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_10, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_11, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_12, [/color][color=#3E3E3E]t_13]; // Create an array with the names of all of the logics.
[/color]{_bomb =  "M_Mo_82mm_AT" createvehicle getpos _x; sleep 1;} forEach _logics; // Create an explosion at the position of each logic with a one second delay (change the number after sleep to change the delay).

I hope this helps. Good luck!

Edited by Loyalguard

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Thanks for the quick response!

I am getting syntax errors when putting this into the 'on activation' window of my trigger. Is there another way i should be executing this script?

Thanks again!

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Ah, I did not know this was trigger activated. The best thing to do would be to save the code I gave in you in a seperate script file called bombLoop.sqf (or something similar) saved in your mission folder and then in your "On Act" field enter the following:

null = [] execVM "bombLoop.sqf";

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Thanks again Loyalguard!

I have used text effects to make sure the trigger is working properly and there is not complaint about being unable to fine the file that I have put in the mission folder, however nothing happens! How exactly do you debug this game? is there an output log where you can see exactly what is going on?

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First, I just found a typo in the code I gave you. Change "for each" to "forEach". I corrected it in the example I gave earlier but I wanted to point that out first.

If the script is in your main mission folder it should be executing. Here are some things you can do to debug:

1. You said you were seeing syntax errors so I assume you have -showscripterrors active, but I just wanted to make sure.2. Try a hint as the first line of the script to make sure it is actually executing such as hint "Script Executed";

3. Try putting () around getPos _x. e.g. (getPos _x).

4. Take out all of the comments to include the / or //.

5. You can also use the command diag_log to dump info to the .RPT file.

Give those a shot and see if that works.

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