cubd1 1 Posted March 9, 2013 Briefly... I'm running an Athlon Phenom X4 710, 4 gig DDR2 ram, ATI 5770. A very modest machine. 1) Game runs great at medium settings. Slow framerate at "high" or "ultra" settings, but not choppy, and not bad, considering my old computer. 2) Decals from firing shots at various objects seems seems hit and miss -- sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. 3) Helicopters crashing is just ridiculous. They bounce around then blow up. Nothing breaks apart other than the rotors occasionally "vanish". Makes the game feel very rigid. 4) Explosions look nice, but sometimes the smoke textures "spin" a lot and that is pretty noticeable. It just looks like a big texture spinning rather than something that suspends disbelief. 5) Game really needs more blood, guts, focus on death sequences. Blood textures look bland, low-res. Small blood spatter textures that explode at a high rate would add a lot. 6) Grass looks great, but folds down a little too far from the player. If I'm crawling, grass is folding in front of me what looks like three or four feet away and I'm not even touching it. 7) With the explosions or something blowing up, there isn't nearly enough junk flying everywhere, crap, particles, burning objects. And I've upped all the settings to Ultra, too. 8) Ground textures and polygonal rocks aren't seamless enough. 9) Hit detection with vehicles hitting stuff or hitting other vehicles needs serious work. 10) Tires don't blow out or deflate when shot. 11) Vehicles don't seem to display damage or break apart. Poor damage modelling all around. Vehicles feel like invulnerable pieces of concrete. Nothing feels fragile. 12) Would be nice if guns got dirty over time, when dropped, etc. 13) It's nice how bushes will fold down when run over, but trees appear to be invulnerable static objects. That's gotta be worked on. 14) Too bad running water/streams aren't modeled. 15) Would be nice to see countryside farms and houses with running fireplaces, chickens and farm animals about, civilians. Game feels really empty, but I'm sure that will be improved upon. 16) Flight controls are fantastic. I know some have complained, but wow -- I love the feel of flying. 17) More dirt and dust shooting up out of the ground and PERSISTING during firefights would be nice, and a realistic addition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 9, 2013 For your impressions and feedback about the Arma 3 Alpha please use this thread: - Share your first Arma3 Alpha Impressions (all first impression type posts here pls) §7) Search before postingIf you have a question, please use the forum search function before posting to make sure that it hasn't been answered before. There is a big chance it has, not only does searching help to keep the forum free of multiple threads it will also help you to get an answer much quicker. §8) Post in the right forum & right thread Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator. If a thread exists for the topic you wish to post about you must use it, for example all ACE questions belong in the ACE thread. All addon/mod questions belong in the thread for that addon/mod. In the case of DayZ discussions they should be posted on the DayZ forums, this includes problems with the Modification. The troubleshooting forum is not for problems with Addons and Mods! Forum rules Share this post Link to post Share on other sites