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When purchasing Alpha ..

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Hey, well .. First of I hope I am posting in the right area, and I am hoping this post is allowed :j:

Any who this may be a stupid question, but when purchasing Arma 3 Alpha, it mentions "ARMA 3 FULL GAME", clearly this is obvious for the testing, but does this also mean that the people who purchase Alpha version do they get the game when it's fully released? o-o

Thanks in advance.

- Dha12oks

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Arma 3 Alpha


Be one of the first to play Arma 3 and contribute to its development by providing feedback.

3 Alpha Lite Invites

Introduce your friends to Arma 3 by inviting them to the free invite-only Arma 3 Alpha Lite (available from March 14, 2013 until June 18, 2013).

Beta-access & Full Game

Gain access to the Arma 3 Beta as soon as it becomes available. Get a Steam version of the complete game upon release.

Edited by k3lt

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I have read that part, and bolding it out isn't nice, I just wanted confirmation.

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I think problem people have is that they cant believe the price. To be honest i am also a bit sceptical of the price, i am expecting them to only deliver like half or less of a normal ARMA as the full game and are going to release "addons". So in the end your will probably be paying the full 60-80 you pay for other games. After that you will get extra DLC etc..

OR maybe i have just become too jaded from how all the other game companies work :p

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I think problem people have is that they cant believe the price. To be honest i am also a bit sceptical of the price, i am expecting them to only deliver like half or less of a normal ARMA as the full game and are going to release "addons". So in the end your will probably be paying the full 60-80 you pay for other games. After that you will get extra DLC etc..

OR maybe i have just become too jaded from how all the other game companies work :p

Or they could be following the Mount & Blade / Minecraft release model, which is essentially starting at a low price at the Alpha, then going up a step during the Beta until you reach full price for the full game. The sooner people buy (and demonstrate their trust in the developer/support the testing process) the less they pay.

It's a fairly honest and fair model, in my opinion. Fingers crossed that this is what they are going for.

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