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Player Array Script

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What I'm trying to do is go by the player slot and remove their weapons and give them new ones which I didn't decide on yet thats why they are just "". The error that I'm getting is undefined variable in expression p1. P1-P12 are the names of the player slots. P1-P6 are the first squad, and P7-P12 is the second squad. Does anyone know how to fix this or have any suggestions? Any help is appreciated.

_curWep = currentWeapon player;
_curAmmo = currentMagazine player;
Player_Array =
for [{_i=0},{_i < (count Player_Array)},{_i=_i+1}] do
if(!(player in((Player_Array select _i) select 1) || ((Player_Array select _i) select 2))) then
	player removeWeapon _curWep;
       player removeMagazines _curAmmo;
	player addWeapon "";
	player addWeapon "";
} else {
	player removeWeapon _curWep;
       player removeMagazines _curAmmo;
	player addWeapon "";
	player addWeapon "";

Edited by dcthehole

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if its just 2 groups why not just use

{removeAllWeapons _x} forEach units group this;

then add weapons and ammo same way.

if u cant use that your player array should look like

Player_Array = ["p1","p2","p3"];

and so on...

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What you're essentially doing is select _i, which isn't more than 0, ever. Your code only executes once because as a condition you wrote "_i < (count playerarray)". Use <= instead if you want it to be 1.

You also have a nested array.

So lets take your first code, and _i is 0.

(playerarray select _i) select 0

This selects the first nested array and selects the first unit out of it. So P1. Switch things around. If I'm not mistaken here count playerarray will only equal to 1 as it shouldn't count things inside nested arrays.

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Ok, so something like this?

_curWep = currentWeapon player;
_curAmmo = currentMagazine player;
Player_Array =
for [{_i=0},{_i <= (count Player_Array)},{_i=_i+1}] do
   if(!(player in((Player_Array select _i) select 1) || ((Player_Array select _i) select 2))) then
       player removeWeapon _curWep;
       player removeMagazines _curAmmo;
       player addWeapon "";
       player addWeapon "";
   } else {
       player removeWeapon _curWep;
       player removeMagazines _curAmmo;
       player addWeapon "";
       player addWeapon "";

Ok, thanks thats working now.

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