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Has anyone gotten custom sounds/music to work?

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Wondering if anyone else has tried it, the description.ext and cfgMusic /playMusic commands aren't working for me in A3 like they did in A2. No errors show up, but no sounds play when activated.

From description.ext

class CfgMusic



class test


name = "test";

sound[] = {"\music\test.ogg", db+5, 1.0};



What's in init.sqf after mission start

playMusic ["test"];

Also tried it with trigger by radio, nothing.

Edited by Kevin

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works fine for me with trigegr and command

class CfgSounds


// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)

sounds[] = {GREEK,Iranian};

// Definition for each sound

class GREEK


name = "GREEK"; // Name for mission editor

sound[] = {\sound\Greek.ogg, 0.1, 1.0};

titles[] = {0, ""};


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I tried it as a sound and still nothing, have a hint in the trigger to make sure it works, and it does. Have tried multiple .ogg files. Also tried copying your code and changing the names just to make sure it wasn't a syntax error.

Looks like someone else had the exact same issue with A2 and it was never solved


Edit, I tried using a different program to convert to OGG and it works now, doh.

Edited by Kevin

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Hi guys!

I have problems getting custom radio sounds to work in ArmA 3. Does anyone know if something is changed?

I created a new mission in ArmA 3 Editor, saved it, then Alt-tab'ed out of the Editor, copied a sound folder from a mission I made for ArmA 2 and pasted in the new ArmA 3 mission folder, copied the old description.ext and pasted in the ArmA 3 mission folder, went back to the Editor, made a radio trigger where I On Activation put playSound "soundname"; saved the mission again and then did preview. Result: I get the error "sound not found".

Does anyone know way this didn't work? Did I forgot something? It's been a while since I last did any modding or missionmaking for ArmA games.

All sound files are in .ogg format and worked well in my ArmA 2 missions.

Did they change something for ArmA 3?

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