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Don't have Fraps? Need to know your FPS? Throw this in your init.

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If you need to know your fps and don't have a program that tracks your fps. Here you go.

If you have experience with scripting, you can skip to step 5.

1. Go to the Editor

2. Create a mission, name it "test" or something.

3. Navigate to the mission folder, it will either be in Documents\ArmA 3\MPMissions\missionname.stratis or Documents\ArmA 3 - Other Profiles\MPMission\missionname.stratis

4. Create a new file called "init.sqf"

5. In the init.sqf place the below code.

[] spawn 
while {true} do
	_str = "";
	_str = _str + "<t size='1.3'>FPS Counter</t>";
	_str = _str + "<br/>";
	_fps = diag_fps;
	_html = '#00FF00';
	if (_fps < 30) then
		_html = '#FFFF00';
	if (_fps < 20) then
		_html = '#FF9900';
	if (_fps < 10) then
		_html = '#FF0000';
	_str = _str + format["<t color='%1'>%2</t> FPS", _html, round _fps];
	hintSilent parseText _str;
	sleep 0.1;

6. Load in game, and your FPS will be displayed in the top right.

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Or just use MSI Afterburner/Fraps/Dxtory etc.. :p

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Did you even read the thread title? It's simply a small script so people don't have to run 3rd party programs. Now please troll elsewhere.

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