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IED Models not showing

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To start - I have all applicable dlc's and addons needed for the correct ied models and havent had any script changes to it til today after I noticed this issue. I have triggers attached to each ied which still work, the explosion still fires but no model for the ied is there.

Using -

private ["_iedCount","_ied","_trig","_mrk","_city","_lPos","_lArray","_lCount","_iedPos"];

loc = locationNull;
CityCenter =

private ["_city"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_city = false;
       if (side (leader _x)==west) then {
		_unit = leader _x;
		loc = nearestLocation  [getPosATL (leader _x),"CityCenter"];
		_city = true;
}forEach allGroups;
_city = [] call CityCenter;
waitUntil {_city}; 
_iedCount = 0;
_lPos = locationPosition loc;
_lArray = nearestObjects [_lPos,["SoldierWB"],300];
_lCount = count _lArray;
if (_lCount > 3) then {
_iedCount = _lCount * 4;
	if (_lCount >= 4) then {
		_iedCount = _lCount * 3;
for "_i" from 0 to _iedCount do 
	_iedPos = [_lPos,_iedCount * floor(round(random(_lcount^2))),random 360]call BIS_fnc_relPos; 
	_ied = createVehicle ["Land_IED_V1_PMC",_iedPos,[],0,"NONE"];
	_trig = ([getPosATL _ied, "AREA:", [3,3, 0, false], "ACT:", ["WEST", "PRESENT", False],"STATE:",["this","deleteVehicle (thisTrigger getVariable ['ied',objNull]); createVehicle ['Ace_MineExplosion',getPosATL thisTrigger, [], 0, 'NONE']",""]] call CBA_fnc_createTrigger) select 0;
	_trig setVariable ["ied",_ied];
	_mrk = createMarker[format ["ied_%1",random 1000],_iedpos];
	_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
	_mrk setMarkerType "DOT";

tested with the other two equivalents for the class and still no luck "BAF_IED_v1","PMC_IED_V1" still no model.

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