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Reference mod files in mission file

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How can I reference a file that is inside a mod in the mission file?

For example, can I reference a sound file that is in a mod in CfgSounds?

I've tried \z\addons\mod_here\sound.wss, but then it just tries to look for \mission_file\z\addons\mod_here\sound.wss.

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IIRC Referencing the name of the sound should be enough

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IIRC Referencing the name of the sound should be enough

Yeah nvm, I just put CfgSounds in one of the mod's config.cpp's :) That works fine.

Another question if I may ask, how can I make a sound play that seems in 3D (so positional audio) and seems distant? I know there is say3D, but I don't want other players to hear the sound, just the player in question.

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Bumping thread, it's been a while and I really need some help with the above post. If above is not possible, is there a 'cheaty' way of doing it or at least reduce the sound to a minimum so it sounds very distant? I've tried values like db-100 but that doesn't work at all.

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