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Simple Path Error Issue for custom objects...

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I'm sure you guys will find this question pretty dumb, but it has me stuck for the last 8 hours, and I can't keep ignoring it. I made a very simple bridge and wanted to place it as a road in game. I understand that when working with visitor, objects must be placed within the CA file. I then pack this CA file and place it with my map file, and I've been able to add all the pre-existing objects ingame with no issues. However, I tried to add my custom bridge and i receive the following path error


This does not make sense to me, since the p3d file is exactly where arma 2OA is looking for it.

I simply went into the config files for dams, added my bridge as a class and gave the p3d, placed the p3d within the dam folder, within the roads2 folder, within the ca folder, and packed everything. Also things work completely fine in bulldozer

My last attempt was to add the my bridge file to the roads2 file and repack that as another pbo, so that there were the ca and roads 2 addon files in my my folder.

I think i have a fundamental misunderstanding of how arma 2 is obtaining the files it needs in games, but I can't seem to figure out what

- Thanks so much for any help,


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I made a very simple bridge and wanted to place it as a road in game.

You place bridges as simple individual objects, not as "road pieces"...

I understand that when working with visitor, objects must be placed within the CA file.

Absolutely Not!!!

Never put any other stuff in P:\CA - that's purely for official Game Content...

The simplest way to make a "custom content" pack is to create a folder directly on P:\..... eg:

Create folder on P:\ root - call it "MyAddon"

place models in there

Create "Data" folder inside the "MyAddon" folder

place all textures and .rvmats in there

Load model into O2 - repath to textures

Open .rvmats in their new location - repath them too - now your model "lives" here

Now make a new config - start it off with something like this....

class CfgPatches
 class MyAddon
   units[] = {""};
   weapons[] = {};
   requiredAddons[] = {""};

.. then add the rest of your custom config below...

Once that's all set up - THEN you add the model to Visitors "Artificial Objects" list - it should appear in Buldozer and you can place and position, etc...

When you binarize your terrain to get a final .pbo, binarize that "MyAddon" folder separately to get a "myaddon.pbo"

Put both in your modfolder and run the game...


Ok - a bit of a fast summary, but that's the general principle....

*Take a look inside any competently done "additional content pack" like any of Mondkalbs MGB Buildings, or any terrain which features a "support.pbo" like Icebreakr's stuff, or my "Carraigdubh" terrain - they all have additional "custom model packs"...

It's perfectly OK to have a quick peek inside these .pbo's just to see how they're laid out and how things are done...


Edited by Bushlurker

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thanks for the advice on the path issues!! I'll try the new approach as soon as i get home

My only question however, is that when i've tried to add bridges/dams as artificial objects, driving across them was incredibly glitchy, like i was colliding into the object rather driving across it. Since bridges/dams are already located in the roads2 folder, i assume bridges must be treated as a road as well.

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