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O2 "punishing" for being accurate...

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When making LODS, the first thing I try to do is make them completely accurate to the reslod, so there's no "invisible" walls/fire etc.

To do this, you must snap verts were possible so they're up against each other so there's no little "snags" sticking out where a player could get caught or shoot an invisible wall for example.

But, O2 doesn't seem to like verts being in the same space, even though they're imported as different objects, even after doing a Break Welds, it still mostly puts in what should be a few Components into one single Component.

Is this a case of being "penalised" for making accurate models, or am I missing a trick here guys..?

Because every LOD I've made accurate, I've had to go back into 3D software to make less accurate, which I'm not very keen on doing..!

Thanks for any advice,


Edited by meanmachine1

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No problem. You can repay me with a beta of your island. ;)


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Lol... That's a LONGGGGGG way off mate..!

I'll do a little vid sometime of a few objects I've got in and fully working though- I'll give you a heads up first..! ;)

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