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1st Pubber Regiment (Casual, light tactical, no mic required)

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1st Pubber Regiment

Arma 2, DayZ, Noobs welcome

Who we are: We are a casual, light tactical regiment of players who, for whatever reason, cannot use a mic, or don't want the pressure of full time clan play. Our aim is to allow everyone to participate in the events that make squads and clans awesome, without the strain. Whether your a vet, or a new player, you decide whether you want training on a Wednesday night, or what events you want to play. If you want to try leading a squad, that's great! If you absolutely love running as a Spec Ops soldier, but don't want to work your way up to the post, or be hyper-realistic, that's cool too.. This is what the Pubbers are about- giving everyone the chance to play whatever they want under relaxed, friendly conditions, without having to be a training 5 times a week.

What we do

Our events and meetings are flexible, and not compulsory. We plan on running events, such as spec ops raids and armoured assaults, largely coop but with some PvP. We also offer our unique Training school. At the school, we will teach volunteers about military tactics, how to serve, and how to lead so that should you want to move on to a realistic clan, you are equipped to do so. We also do a lot of work with the Arma 2 editor, in order for members to trial their missions with the group, and for us to be abl to construct events that work no matter how many play. We will occasionally use the Hetman commander mod to construct large, realistic AI battles.

What you need to remember

We are a relaxed clan. But as they say, with great freedom comes great responsibility. Please read the rules below before joining.

Racism, or inappropriate behavior towards other members is unacceptable. Breaking these will result in instant dismissal from the regiment.

Excessive trolling is also not acceptable. We like a laugh, but ruining another players experience will not be tolerated.

Be sensible, and patient. As members often have other real world commitments, we may not always be able to do what you want to do immedietly. Please respect this, and bear with us when others are working.

Have Fun!

What roles do we play?

We offer the chance to play all roles, but we largely focus on infantry, supplemented by some vehicles. We play all forces, including Opfor and Indie.

This sounds perfect. How do I join?

Just fill out the quick form below, and PM it to me, so that I can reply quickly and personally. If you have any further questions, no matter how small, feel free to add me on steam. Username Shrikey.

Ingame Name:

Steam Addy:

Looking For in the clan:

Preferred Arma 2 Role and playstyle (this allows us to grasp what types of players we have, so that we can tailor the clan accordingly.)

We look forward to seeing you,

1st Pubbers

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