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image on dynamically spawned vehicle seen by all players

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I have a issue, I am spawning a vehicle and trying to add a image along the vehicle for all players to see but only the player who buys the vehicle can see the image how can I make it so all players can see the image.

I tried.

if (_classname == "SUV_UN_EP1") then
       _classname  setobjecttexture [0,"suvpolice.paa"];
       _classname  setobjecttexture [1,"suvpolice.paa"];


if (_classname == "SUV_UN_EP1") then
 [nil, nil,"per",//
       _classname setobjecttexture [0,"suvpolice.paa"],//
       _classname setobjecttexture [1,"suvpolice.paa"]//
   ] call RE;


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I think it's like this:

[nil,nil,"per",rSETOBJECTTEXTURE,_car,0,"suvpolice.paa"] call RE;

You're also trying to use the classname as a reference to an object (doesn't work).

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yeah I changed the ref to object for this post its actually _veh which comes from _v = _this select 0;

cheers cuel ill try that ;)

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That did not work mate the issue I get is the player that buys the car can see the images on the car but no other players can

this is what I tried from you cuel

_classname = _this select 0;
newvehicle = _classname createVehicle %4;

if (_classname == "SUV_UN_EP1") then

[nil,nil,"per",rSETOBJECTTEXTURE,newvehicle,0,"graphics\suvpolice.paa"] call RE;        
[nil,nil,"per",rSETOBJECTTEXTURE,newvehicle,1,"graphics\suvpolice.paa"] call RE;        


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Do you not need to use setvehicleinit then processinitcommands after that?

Got a couple of skins myself that I am implementing, and I used the setobjecttexture within its init, and I asked one other payer to jip, and he could see the skin...

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Eventually used the code below to get it working in game!

if (_car isKindOf "SUV_PMC") then {
   _car setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [0, ""server\textures\camo10.paa""]";

Works for all players and JIP...

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