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How to set a unit to damage another when close

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Im trying to get it where dogs cause damage to a player when they are within say .5 meters of someone. I saw this: "

if (player distance dog <2) then {player setDamage (getDammage palyer)-0.1} " But I don't know where to put this line. So any advice would be good.

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You could run a script from your init.sqf, like this:

[] execVM "dogdistancecheck.sqf";


while {true} do { 
if (player distance dog < 2) then {
player setDamage ((getDammage player) - 0.1);
sleep 2;

This will cause the game to constantly check if player is within range of unit named "dog", and if the player is, then he gets 0.1 damage every 2 seconds (because no dog in the world can constantly bite somebody to death without break)

Hope this helps.

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Hmmm.... this one doesn't seem to work. I put the init.sqf code in the init.sqf document, and I created a new document called dogdistancecheck.sqf and put the other code in there. But it doesn't work. If the dogs have names, would that hinder this from working? Edit: I renamed a unit dog, and input the coce in exactly as typed, and it still doesn't work. So idk what would be causing this.

Edited by darkheart232

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