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Problems with say3D

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I am working on a suicide bomber script for a special event on our wasteland server.

Basicly what it should do is on keypress, play a soundfile in Directchannel (or at location of player) that can be heard let´s say up to 100 meters of the player that issues it, then a animation and a bomb is spawned at the player.

But I can only get the say3D command to work while broadcasting on the whole server.


//> key
case 86:
	if(((getPlayerUID player) in serverAdministrators)) then
		[nil,nil,rEXECVM,"client\systems\playerMenu\akbar.sqf",[player,allunits]] call RE;
		execVM "client\systems\playerMenu\suicidebomb.sqf";


player say3D "akbar1";
//player playmove "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_Salute";


class CfgSounds 
sounds[] = {alahuakbar};	
class akbar1
	name = "akbar1"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {"sounds\alahuakbar.ogg", db-25, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, "TESTING"};


_bombpos = [ getPosasl player select 0, getPosasl player select 1, (getPosasl player select 2) +0.2];

sleep 5;
_tmp = "Bo_Mk82" createVehicle _bombpos; _tmp setPosasl _bombpos;

I tried the player Say command and several other things but can´t seem to get it to work. I also tried changing the volume in the description.ext, and in the code above the sound still broadcasts from north map edge to south map edge, that is for the whole server.

Could anyone hint me towards a solution for this?

Any help would be much appreciated!

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You already found an existing thread in which you also posted and try to redirect readers to your own thread. Thats obviously not the right path to follow when posting here.

Since you choose to crosspost I will just lock this new thread. You already found the other thread, so use it!

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