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Resistance: blurry unreadable text

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Hello everybody. I searched this problem in this forum but I couldn't find it, so someone please help.

The problem is, texts in Resistance (especially the texts in mission briefing and options screen) are extremely blurry and unreadable. It is like, when you spilled water on texts written with a pen (I hope you know what I mean). By the way, OFP and Red Hammer worked very fine without a hitch.

I have Tbird Athlon 1G, Gigabyte mobo, DDR-RAM 512MB, GeForce1 DDR board, Acoustic Edge, Win Me, and so on. All device drivers are the latest ones, of course. I tweaked GeForce's texel alignment and anti-aliasing options, but that didn't solve the problem. I uninstalled OFP and Resistance, deleted their folders and files completely, uninstalled and reinstalled the graphics driver again, and reinstalled OFP and Resistance, but no luck.

I think this problem derives from GeForce, however I have no idea what to do more. If you have any idea, please let me know. I will greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.

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You probably also did something to your Texture(MipMapping) Level of Detail. Just reset it to 0 or there abouts to get rid of that "Short Sighted" look. smile.gif

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Tweaking mipmap solved the problem perfectly!

Thans million, illuminatus!

Why didn't I tried that option...... wink.gif

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i have a Geo2MX and have had same problem, but only if increase the maxview setting to beyond what my hardware supports, 3500m or so, so I stay belove that number and all is cool.



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