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AEF 'Mercanary Campaign 3' "Registriert die Deutschen noch heute!"

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I am a member of a clan called 'AEF' (Australiasian Expedition Forces) and I am wondering if you would like to play with us sometime. We are always looking for different ways to get our name out and I think this would be a good way to reach out to a larger audience. Currently, we are not doing anything in particular, but our 'Mercenary Campaign' will recommence in February.

The Merc' Campaign is about the (not limited to) AEF working as a realistic squad against militia, Taliban, Britians and/or Americans. Each Monday we have a meeting to discuss what we will need. Each Wednesday, we perform training exercises. Each Friday is game night.

We added an RPG element as well. For each meeting, training session, and game night attended, we get paid $100 or $50 Merc' cash. We can use this cash to purchase weapons, attachments, and misc. items like NVG. For each game night, we also have something called 'HQ cash' which is money spent specifically on vehicles.

Our ArmA2 division (2CAV) is led by HumV. HumV is the mission designer, who creates the missions.

The Mercanary Campaign that will commence in February will be using Invasion 1944 (I44) so we will be up against mainly Americans and British. To get any mods that we will be using, use Six Updater. For more specific details, enter our TeamSpeak. (Yes, we will be playing as ze Germans)

Each mission has two or more objectives that are completed by Alpha and Bravo squad. (10-15 members per squad, so far)

If you would like to join us, HumV will gladly give you a better understanding and will answer any questions you may have. You can find us in our TeamSpeak: ts.aef-hq.com.au:9989

P.S: I am AEF Jarate 2CAV. If HumV asks who referred you, you know who to say. :)

P.S.S: To be eligable to join AEF, you must be 18 years of age. A microphone is a requirement as well.

P.S.S.S: You do not have to be AEF to play in our Merc' Campaign. Anybody is welcome, as long as you are cooperative and will follow the squad leader's orders.

Note to moderators: I honestly have no clue where to put this since several sections have potential. Move the thread if you think it's is more appropriate else where.

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