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Player GroupChat not working?

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For some reason i cannot get group chat to display in the following code? This is just a snippet from the top of the file. The Hint displays, but nothing else. The script is called from a trigger and has the ExecVM bit in on Act.

_vehicle = vehicle player;
_hasCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["hasCargo", 0];
_reward = 0;
_rNum = round(random 400) +50;

hint "This Script Has Been Executed";
player groupChat format ["rNum : %1" _rNum];
player groupChat format ["Values: %1 %2" _vehicle, _hasCargo];

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You are missing a comma after the last ".

It should look like this:

player groupChat format ["rNum : %1", _rNum];
player groupChat format ["Values: %1 %2", _vehicle, _hasCargo];

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