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Dedicated 1,75 sockets dont work dplay does

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I cant create a dedicated server with sockets. If i choose directplay with the line -dplay in my shortcut it starts.

As you know the Server Console window read like this normally:

Window Header = Operation Flashpoint Console version 1.75 port 2302

Inside window row1= time Dedicated server created

Inside window row2= time Server identity created

When i try using SOCKETS it goes like this:

Window Header = Server Creation Failed: 2302

Inside window row1= time Dedicated server created

then it stops, no row2 is created.

Yes I have sent a complete report to BIS.

Yes it is an orginal software.

Yes I have done a complete uninstall, and reinstall of OFP 1.0---1,75

Yes the behaviour is the same when using "../FlashpointResistence.EXE -server"

Yes i have made the same software/CD work as a SOCKET server on different Computer with differents specs.

My Specs

PIII 850 Mhz

Ram 256

ATI Rage Mobility

OS is Windows 2000 Professional

My guess

Since this laptop is a work computer, it may be win2000 that has SOCKET disabled? How and where?



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I have changed OS to XP, and it works.

So the conclusion:

Win 2000 Professional can be configured to not allow SOCKETS somehow. (RegEdit or other install or removal)

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