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Implementing already made script ( admin cam )

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Hey guys, pretty sure this is the correct section to post in. I am trying to put an admin tool in the Dynamic Zombie Sandbox mission ( it's just a camera that lets me watch players if suspected of hacking ). I've tried putting the folder in the mission although that doesn't work. Also tried executing the admin menu scripts via init.sqf and still no luck. I'm very new to scripting in arma so i'm sure I am making a simple mistake. If someone has ever done this before, please help me out.

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We need more information, where you put it and how you're calling it etc.

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In the init.sqf this is how I was doing it

[] execVM "core\admin\adminMenu.sqf";

[] execVM "core\admin\adminSelect.sqf";


Like I said, most likely doing it COMPLETELY wrong.

Also the file list is,







and then a bunch of .sqf's

---------- Post added at 00:21 ---------- Previous post was at 23:30 ----------


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Any ideas? I just need to know how I should be telling the script to execute.

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There's nothing wrong with what you posted as long as the scripts exist.

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