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Checking for vehicles in a radius of a marker

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Hello, this is my first thread...

Anyway, my overall goal is to make a laptop with the addAction command to spawn a vehicle at on a marker, which I have done successfully. However, if I were to spawn more than one vehicle and not move them, the vehicles will spawn in/on each other and that is bad... What I am looking for is some way to check a 5m radius of a marker and deny the spawning of the vehicle if something is already in the 5m radius.

Here is what I have so far:

createVehicle ["VWGolf", getMarkerPos "MARKcar", [], 0, "can_collide"];

I assume for doing this, I need an 'if' statement.

(I am relativity new to coding/scripting so I am taking stabs in the dark here)

_area1 = getMarkerPos "MARKcar" nearObjects 5;

if (_area1 = false) then {hintSilent "Can't spawn vehicle,\nsomething is blocking it's spawn!"} else {createVehicle ["VWGolf", getMarkerPos "MARKcar", [], 0, "can_collide"]};

I guess the main problem is the condition of the 'if' statement. I tested the 'then' and 'else' with (!alive p2) as the condition and it worked...

Edited by Scouter
Holy typos Batman...

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Hi... use count as _area1 will be a list of objects.

Here I changed _area1 to _objects;

_objects = [];
_objects = getMarkerPos "MARKcar" nearObjects 5;

if (count _objects >0) then {
   hintSilent "Can't spawn vehicle,\nsomething is blocking it's spawn!"};
} else {
   createVehicle ["VWGolf", getMarkerPos "MARKcar", [], 0, "can_collide"];

EDIT: You might be better of with something like this statement which will find only objects of class "LandVehicle". Object Classes can be found here.

_objects = (getMarkerPos "MARKcar") nearObjects ["LandVehicle",5];

Edited by twirly

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Thanks for that really quick response. That looks like it is what I need, I will test it soon. Thanks. I am surprised I did not think of using 'count'.

Another thing; I am going to have a lot of vehicles that can be spawned from the addAction laptop. Is there a way I can get a 'goto' type command so each individual addAction can find a different part of the sqf?

(Like goto for MS-DOS ie: goto end -> :end)

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You can pass the vehicle type to one .sqf that creates vehicles... so an addaction for each vehicle type.

_action1_ID = player [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction"]addAction[/url] ["Create Tunguska", "create_veh.sqf","2S6M_Tunguska"];
_action2_ID = player addAction ["Create T72", "create_veh.sqf","T72"];


_typofvehicle = _this select 3;

_objects = [];
_objects = getMarkerPos "MARKcar" nearObjects 5;

if (count _objects >0) then {
   hintSilent "Can't spawn vehicle,\nsomething is blocking it's spawn!";
} else {
   _veh = [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle_array"]createVehicle[/url] [_typofvehicle, getMarkerPos "MARKcar", [], 0, "NONE"];

Edited by twirly

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Excellent! Thanks. This is exactly what I need. I am actually learning from this. :)

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EDIT: I goofed, then found and fixed an error 2 minutes after posting this.. derp.

(Can't delete it)

Edited by Scouter

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No worries....there was actually a "}" too many... I fixed it in the second post.

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Ok, now, I am trying to have the spawned vehicle rotated to a direction other than 0. I looked at other codes and I did exactly what they did and it still doesn't work for me. I took a shot at it with the _dir variable.

Everything else is working perfectly.

_type = _this select 3;
_dir = 205.55;

_objects = [];
_objects = (getMarkerPos "Mcar") nearObjects ["AllVehicles",5];

if (count _objects >=1) then {
hintSilent "Can't spawn vehicle,\na vehicle is blocking it's spawn!";
} else {
_veh = createVehicle [_type, getMarkerPos "Mcar", [], 0, "can_collide"];

_veh setdir _dir;

Refering to this thread:


Edited by Scouter

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Hi mate... check this out....uses the nearEntities command instead.

Works fine.

Notice all the diag_log statements? I tracked the script the whole way through and logged the stuff to the .rpt file.

Between that and -showScriptErrors parameter in your shortcut.. it becomes a little easier to work out. Keep trying till something works. Lots of commands are similar. It's quirky stuff.

_type = _this select 3;
_dir = 205.55;

//diag_log format ["_type: %1",_type];

_objects = [];
_objects = getMarkerPos "mcar" nearEntities [["Man","Air","Car","Motorcycle","Tank"],5];

//diag_log format ["_objects: %1",_objects];

if (count _objects >=1) then {

hintSilent "Can't spawn vehicle,\na vehicle is blocking it's spawn!";

//diag_log "The hint fired.";

} else {

_veh = createVehicle [_type, getMarkerPos "mcar", [], 0, "NONE"];
_veh setdir _dir;

//diag_log format ["%1 created. Heading: %2",_type,getdir _veh];


If you want to randomise the direction then do this...

_dir = random 360;

Hope that helps!

Edited by twirly

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