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82nd airborne division *now recruiting*

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82nd airborne division *now recruiting*

Requirements to Join:

- Age 13 or Older, exceptions will be handled by the Command Staff

- Must have Teamspeak 3, aswell as a working copy of ARMA 2 Combined Operations (Arrowhead and ARMA II together)

- Must be willing to take orders and follow the Chain of Command

- Must be mature and willing to have a good time playing ARMA 2

What we Offer:

- Servers for Pubbing and Practice

- Public Teamspeak 3 Server

- Ranking structure that mirrors that of the US ARMY

- Personal Uniforms with Ribbons, Badges and Medals

- Operations and Trainings within the unit

- a Home for Prior or Active service personel

- a Realistic Environment for Men and Women searching for a realistic place to play ARMA

- No Lame Basic Training we may be a milsim unit but u didnt inlist in the real us army so we do not do basic training but we do weekly trainings.

Public Teamspeak Server:

Website:Coming Soon

Unit Closed and Changed

Edited by scarter38
Unit Closed and Changed

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