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Glass Optics on my Lambert Carbine

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Hello again! Having been pretty satisfied with my robed troops I thought I'd make them some Lambert Carbines (from Battlefield 2142). All was going well until it was time to make the optics for the gun...I am quite unfamiliar with making a glass-like transparent optic for the gun. I tried to put one in, but this is the in-game result. The user should just through the sight, but it should all be blue, not this whitish-gray color that I'm getting. I have NO rvmat, mainly because I'm still not sure how they work. Hmm...I have multiple panes of glass between the "eye" and the end of the gun...could that be it? Any help is appreciated. If I can get the optic working, this one will be nearly finished as well!





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you need a glass textur., And a .RVMAT for the shinning. I can pm you both.Give me a minute.

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Hmm, thanks for the files...I tried them, but it gave me this error. Must have something to do with the path in the config file. Where is it supposed to be pulling those files from?


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That´s no big thing. You have to rename your textur path in the rvmat. Those can be edited with a double click on it. The cal68m was my own path on p:\

BtW, in O2 you can easily have a look how it looks in game, so there is no need to .pbo it every time.

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Okay...but where do I obtain the files glass-pass2.rvmat and reflect_co.paa? Do I need to unbin some of the files in the Arma 2 .pbo's? Or are they automatically put into the p: drive upon getting BIS TOOLS?

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Alright, the glass seems to be working fine, thank you for the help Baraka. Here is a few screenshots of the gun in 3rd and 1st person (plus a new retexture of my robes! :) ).



But...there seems to be something wrong with the gun's flash...it is always present...I copied the method (using a proxy and naming it "zasleh") used from the p3d weapon models I found in the Sample Arma 2 weapons & vehicles folder I downloaded, but when used with my gun, it keeps the flash on constantly. I think everything is named properly in each LOD, but still...do you know the problem Baraka? Here is the picture:


Haha, or I could take the easy way out and make it silenced! ;)

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