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How to stop a trigger with a trigger

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Hello all,

I'm making a mission and in the mission, the friendly forces will activate a murk-spawn trigger which will activate enemy reinforcements. Now, what I want to happen is the trigger to stop once the friendly forces enter another trigger. I'm not sure if this is possible but hey, can't blame a guy for asking right?

Thanks in advance,


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not sure what u may be looking for with that question. the trigger checks the CONDITION to see if it needs to activate. once activated it does what u tell it in ACTIVATION until u tell it otherwise. example: say u have a trig set up to detect opfor that when u get to another area u no longer need that trigger to detect enemy. u could setup another trigger that deletes the detected by trigger when units are in new area. just use a deleteVehicle command when players/unit is present in new area. just name triggers so u can delete by name. (example: deleteVehicle detect1) would be in the CONDITION of new trigger. does that help any ?

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just use a deleteVehicle command when players/unit is present in new area. just name triggers so u can delete by name. (example: deleteVehicle detect1) would be in the ON ACT of new trigger. does that help any ?

Can't execute commands in the CONDITION field.

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yep, i wasnt thinking straight when i typed that bit of mis-information..lol

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Firstly, thank you for taking the time to reply to this thread, I appreciate it. Sadly, I was unable to test this because Murk-Spawn was screwing with the waypoints. I basically couldn't get the AI to move once they had been murk-spawned in.



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once they had been murk-spawned in

To be fair that does sound like a rather invasive and substantial thing to have happen to someone, so it's not surprising that they were unwilling to move after undergoing such violations.

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