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Cannot hear vehicle > sounds (alarm & dogs) within mission.

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So I added Vehicles > Sounds > Alarm1 and 'bad dog' from within the editor and when I previewed within the editor as a playable unit I could hear the siren going off and the dog barking as looped audio, it sounded great and really added to the atmos.

However when I play my saved mission (using the classes created within the editor (triple checked for no typos)) - I don't hear the sounds?! I can see all the other vehicles I added to the mission such as military objects, buildings, wrecks, barracks, but not the sounds. I also can't see any errors or mention of the sounds within the RPT file.

I am bit lost, has anyone walking this path before and had an 'ahh!' moment?


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I play my saved mission

Saved missions are often tricky, especially for events that happened before the save. The save engine knows that the trigger had gone off before but doesn't know what it is exactly, so doesn't re-execute it because it was supposed to be playing a sound. Either change it trigger off the value of a publicVariable or something that is saved or don't save missions. :)

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Here is one class I have in my mission file:

class Item0











It does not require a trigger (although I don''t mind using one if its a requirement). Its a air raid sound and dogs barking which I don't mind being in internal loop.

Could you give me an example of a publicVariable?

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Ooh, those things. Yeah, at least in the editor I noticed if I put that down I'd hear it, but if I saved then suspended then Continued the sound wouldn't be playing.

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