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chernarus dimensions?

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What are the dimensions of the chernarus map?

I am looking for the actual heightmap size, resolution and size of the texture

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Cherno is...

2048 heightmap grid

7.5 meter cell size

= 15360x15360 meters

Not absolutely sure of the exact sat layer resolution they used... if they went 1m/px then probably 15360x15360 px.


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Is the cell size a freely selectable value? or does it have to be in 2,5 or 2.5 steps?

I am trying to calculate a map size that would be 75% of chernas size while maximizing the cell size detail (more polies per square meter).

Also, how does ARMA2 handle secondary terrain ( the word used in bf2 for the terrain outside of the actual map)

For example, is this the complete Cherna map with its exact borders as it would appear in the editor?


The aim of the question is to check wether I have to plan in some extra border terrain.

Edited by alleycat

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Is the cell size a freely selectable value?

More or less... The only limit I've found is that Visitor doesn't like values such as "6.25" - it'll "round" to "6.3", so - one decimal place only apparently...

A slightly stricter limit is the overall heightmap "grid size"... these need to be multiples of 2, so the usual range is 512x512, 1024x1024 or 2048x2048... 4096x4096 is available as an option, but our Visitor 3 "PE" version has well known problems with that size...

Interestingly, BIS tend to avoid 4096x4096 too - their terrains have all been 2048x2048 grids, with the cell size, and therefore terrain size, slowly getting smaller but more detailed over the years...

Also, how does ARMA2 handle secondary terrain

We call it "Outside Terrain" and it's handled totally automatically at the final "in-game" stage - switched on or off and configured via a config.cpp entry... Easy to do, and you don't need to worry about it much till the later stages...

No special preparation required, apart from - possibly - a couple of simple "outside textures" to match your predominant "inside textures" :)

You can safely worry about that later - whether or not you use outside terrain, if you were building Cherno you'd just go ahead and build exactly what you see in your picture...


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