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Forbid tanks to attack infantry units?

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Hey folks,

I want to make several opposing infantry squads to advance as fast as possible. So I used delta formation and so on...

But what seems to slow down the advancement, are some tanks of the player's side. Firstly, the infantry gets down when a tank is around and secondly they get shot by them.

Is there a way to forbid tanks to attack infantry AND making infantry to ignore those tanks? setCaptive won't work!

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Not having the tanks there in the first place? You could try using things like disableAI "AUTOTARGET" but they'll probably still be ordered to attack a target by their group lead. If you had the group lead not autotarget they wouldn't attack anyone. Or just set the infantry to CARELESS behavior, they just won't attack anyone.

Really the thing is no infantry is gonna go frolicking around when tanks are anywhere near them and trying to force them to is inhumane. :)

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I was asking this myself anyway:

Is there no way in ArmA2 to set a specific unit's friend-enemy-relation to a specific unit? E.g. there is one BLUFOR unit in an OPFOR group and all OPFOR units accept the BLUFOR unit as friendly (or simply just dont attack) except one?

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You could group the BLUFOR with OPFOR making them OPFOR, but then the BLUFOR unit would actually be OPFOR and react as OPFOR would, ie, shooting BLUFOR.

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