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Selecting user actions when not grouped?

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How would one script or make a trigger to make a unit select an action as the user would? For say, a police vehicle... I wanted to set up a trigger so that the lights/sirens would pop on at a selected waypoint/trigger.

Kind of like the Unit Capture/Unit Play module, except that it recorded EVERYTHING. Actions and selected measures.


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You'll want to ask that question in the thread for whatever "police vehicle" mod you're using. There are no lights or sirens in ArmA2 so using anything like that is entirely up to whatever mod added them.

There hopefully will be some kind of scripting access to those custom animations in your mod which you can launch from a trigger. Remember though in multiplayer you might run into a lot of locality issues with that kind of thing depending on how it works with whatever mod you're talking about.

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Alright, thanks for the reply.... I will see what I can do! :3

In other cases, how would I select a user action like getting in a driver and such in Unit Capture? Or recording the proper button clicks and such, thanks

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Unit Capture is only position data really. There's an optional flag in it for recording weapons fire, but nothing for what you want -- recording the actions of a player. UnitCapture doesn't play with with multiplayer anyway, it's really just a tool for single player scenes like a littlebird landing on a roof or something.

For things like getting in a vehicle there's multiple options. moveInDriver will teleport them there. assignAsDriver combined with orderGetIn will make them walk to the vehicle and get in. Some actions you can use the action command to make them do for things like turning an engine on or off or setting off a satchel.

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Alright, kylania... Thanks for you're reply. :) I will see what I can do.

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