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The 27th Mountain Division is recruiting serious ARMA:OA Players.

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"Against All Odds" Foreword

As of now we are in the initial process of assigning command within the unit; meaning we are accepting enlistments straight into almost any position in the unit.

The 27th's Composition How the unit is setup.

Our unit is fairly new so it is composed of two Platoons. 1st Platoon "Hammer" Hammer features four squads and twelve teams within those squads. Each team includes five members.

Join the 27th Why you should join.

Since the 27th is fairly new you are not restricted to certain low level roles or ranks. We'll allow you pick what you feel is fitting and allow transfer if you do not find the role fulfilling.

We require training courses and practice before our operations are conducted with new enlistees. Some classes are required for certain roles such as the medic or pilot role. Medics must complete the "CLS" or combat life saver training course as some pilots must complete the "CSAR" or Combat Search And Rescue course in order to participate in unit operations.

If you are looking for a serious ARMA 2 unit why not give it a try?

Participation What we ask of you

Alike most other realism unit we use the ACE and ACRE addons. (These mods will be covered in the Boot Camp Training course when you enlist.)

In terms of participating actively we ask that you participate not only on our game server but also on our teamspeak server. We expect to see you at least once or twice a week. I understand everyone has things to do outside of the unit, which is completely acceptable.

If you do need to take time off, just let us know.

Enlisting Concluding Statement

The 27th would love to see some new enlistees and some more activity as we are getting close to releasing our updated insurgency server and getting the unit operations running. This information might have been a little vague but anyone is welcome to ask for some clarity.

To join the 27th please fill out our enlistment application. We ask that all enlistees be the age of sixteen or older.

Upon review your application you will be emailed the status of your enlistment. If accepted you will be flagged for the appropriate training and contacted further.

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