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Problems after CPU upgrade!

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Hi all!

I have update my PC for better performance whit a new CPU.

From..cpu PHENOM x2 955 to CPU PHENOM X4 965.


OS Windows Seven 64 Ultimate

CPU Phenom X4 965 BE....OC 3.800Ghz...Temp.idle 30 C°---full 50C°.

Motherboard Sapphire am2+ RX790 Discrete Crossfire

Nvidia GTX 560 Ti temp. full 62°

RAM DDR2 corsair XMS cl5 4 Gb.

PSU GS 700W Corsair.

Before upgrading the CPU was fine ArmA 2 --- 49 FPS average benchmark ... no issue ... setting high ... perfect smooth mouse.

and....after ?

Average 60 fps in benchmark in high-very high setting(yes...i was happy in that moment :D)

I was ready for testing gaming in Map-Desert Editor and.......sorprise! It's become unplayable for a strong acceleration device in input mouse + delay input + laggy.

It's like when you run for 100mt and you wont Aim...........but was in prone position and in relax time....a nightmare for shot also a elephant.

I've read so many thread for fix it,like:

Enable 1000mhz on the mouse....and or change the DPI.

Disable mouse set point accelaration in OS---unistall the mouse driver setpoint 6.32(I get a Logitech G700 mouse).

Test whit another 3 different mouse for comparation.

Fix Mark seven reg. about hardware acc. mouse

Mousesmoothing=0.....***It's impossible--------huge delay input ...must to be force on 100.

Disable V-sinc off ---( also if before was run in ON + Triple buffer whitout problems). ***This is has been the only way for givme just a little bit more response control mouse...but so far to be like before and whit a terrific tearing view.

GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1 or 0;

GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0;and also in nvidia pannel

Run ArmA 2 just whit 1 core..2 core.......

Delete files arma 2.cfg + profile .cfg and reload a new one.

Upgrade bios motherboard.

Check about disable HTT in bios but.......i dont get that option.

Check background process.

Change the monitor resolution.

Change the refresh or use nvidia inspector for cap about 58 hz,,,,,my monitor run to 60.

Driver nvidia 196.10....***the best for low input lag mouse...test whit 306.23 and back again to the old one.

Check how run my cpu in task manger.

Add the string.......cpu-4 ...etx...etx in .exe launcher.

and so on.............nothing...nada...forget it about,i am always to the same point.......impossible play for too much input mouse acceleration.

I see so many video on You Tube whit same my issue on ArmA 2 and....i dont wont belived that bohemia dosent support it.

Now.....tell me something news that i didnt done yet....

THX and Regards!

Edited by Enrico

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if you go ingame to game options there's a slider for mouse smoothing, all the way to the left is off.

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