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Vanishing cockpit

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Hello all;

I've been an enthusiast of BIS since OFP:Elite on my XBOX, and recently just picked up TO:H to add to my collection.

When I bought it I went through Steam, so I should have the latest version/latest patch (everything says it's updated).

One thing I noticed in the latest patch notes is a fix for an intermittently disappearing vehicle interior. I just wanted to report that I have been experiencing this bug while using the latest patch. The flickering is very brief, and only happens every few minutes - I guess based on what's being drawn at the moment.

FWIW I'm on a Geforce GTX 680 with 301.42 drivers, on Win 7 Pro.


Well, as a follow up: IT would appear that the Steam version of TO:H is still 1.05. That's kind of irritating since the patch has been out for days; the website discourages you from trying to install the patch ONTO the steam version, and the literature all claims the Steam version will update automatically. Guess I'll just keep holding my breath for them to update it; would be nice if the Beta Patch support were continued until the FULL Release of a new patch so I wouldn't be stuck with an old version right now.

Edited by dwringer

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