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Heli waypoint trouble

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Hey guys - I'm fairly new to mission editing for Arma 2. I've been trying to follow online guides and tutorials to make a map, but I have been having soem issues with waypoints. The misison starts with the player on a helicopter, coming in from the North. I have a waypoint to a clearing, with "heliName FlyInHeight 3;" so that the helicopter will come in, lower towards the ground, let the player get off, then take off again. However, The helicopter will constantly either overshoot or stop 50m short and lower into the trees killing everyone on board. This seems to happen even if I don't tell it to take off after the player has gotten out.

If I set up the additional waypoint for the heli to fly out after player leaves and hook it up to a trigger, the heli seems to skip the 2nd waypoint and go straight to the 3rd. Grrrrr

Are their any tips/nuances I should know about how Arma 2 handles waypoints? Thanks!

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1. If you're using AI pilots GIVE THEM SPACE. They can't do tricky tight landings, open fields are best. Rearrange your mission to keep that in mind.

2. Put an invisible helipad where you want them to land, near the MOVE waypoint with this in it's onAct:

heliName land "GET OUT";

That will have the heli hover and let guys out.

AI helos are basically idiots, so expect that from them. Here's a quick demo mission showing a helicopter insert for reference.

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Ahh, thank you very much - this helps a ton! I do have a question however - I tried to copy the setup in that mission (created grp1 and placed them in heli) but shortly after My group gets out, the rest of the crew follows suit. Is there a way to prevent this or a reason why it might be happening?


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Hey mate

I can recommend Norrins heli taxi addon.. I was having exact same problem as yourself.. Solved it in ten minutes using the addon...

Plus, it can make the mission more dynamic!


Or a MediVac heli which can also be used. Not as dynamic as Norrin's but still awesome!


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Is there a way to prevent this or a reason why it might be happening?


Make sure the pilots are a separate group and give them a TRANSPORT UNLOAD instead of GET OUT waypoint.

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