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swapping personal key bindings from one PROFILE to another

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Hi there everyone, hope you're all doing well:)

Now I've been a player of these games since 2003, but whilst I visit this forum regularly (and have been doing for years) I can offer little more than encouragement and congratulations etc as I am NOT (PC) technically minded at all ! hence the low post number ( i been here under a number of names over the years as my PC's have changed)

Now here's something been driving me up the damn wall for AGES!!! - I considerably change the key binding setup to get it just how I like it, but I have no way I can find of TRANSFERRING my bindings from one profile to another (in the same game - ARMA 1 for example ) without having to take 30 mins each bloody time changing the new profile to my setup, button by flippin' button, this is now OFFICIALLY driving me crazy !!:icon_frown:

So, do any of you folks with the experience and knowledge have any ideas on how I might do this? ( I Got INTEL I5 2500K - 8GB RAM - 1TB HD - NVIDIA GTX 570 - WIN7 64bit - she took me 18 months to save up for but WELL worth it:yay:)

ANY help would be sincerely appreciated as I'm at my wits end:banghead:

Thanks for taking the time to look this over, (any help at all may just save a mans sanity!):pray:


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It's been a long time since I had ArmA installed but with ArmA2 goto Documents > ArmA2 or ArmA2 Other Profiles > Select user Name > Open the Profile file in a text editor.

(With ArmA they might be in the app data folder I can't remember)

Now scroll down until you find the key bindings they will look something like this









There will be a lot of them, select them all and save in a new text document somewhere.

You could save the whole Profile but if you are installing on new hardware then you probably want the other settings to be automatically set at first.

Once you have installed the game find the Profile and paste in the saved key bindings over the default ones.

After that you can save the whole Profile for later use.

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Hi there TEKGUN

I Realized my problem was that I'd given all my profiles clever names like " O S i R i S " which the profile file thingie turns into a string of gibberish, can't remember now but they were something like this " B%-.026%a? .-[009] X=*7&% " I've changed them all now (removed the gaps mostly) but were something which meant nothing to me and completely threw me.

So I changed them, and from there followed your advice and it worked like a charm:yay:

I look at the files now and there are the Profile names, Helluva lot of work no longer necessary so THANKS MAN !! :D - BIG help !


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