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AI path finding from within building

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I'm spawning hostiles inside random nearby buildings and then having them doMove to player with bad intentions. The issue is that when they spawn on upper floors.. they tend to walk out of windows and balconies, sometimes dropping to their death. Is there a way to prevent this and have them use stairs.. or shoot out of windows and from balconies if within eye sight of a target? I thought about checking buildingPos for the height and retry for a lower position if pos was higher than 1st floor.. but was hoping be able to use upper floors.

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Is there a way to prevent this

Don't spawn AI in buildings. :) They'll shoot out of ground floor sometimes, but AI and buildings aren't a great mix. Play with players for that. Or wait for ArmA3. There are some house patrol scripts where AI will enter buildings, but what you're asking for hasn't really been done well.

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thanks for the replay Kylania! I don't really mind of they dont' shoot out of the buildings.. was just hoping to prevent them from jumping off roof tops and balconies for starters. I guess I can just spawn them on the lower floors for now. It's not critical that they fight from inside the buildings.. just wanted to spawn them there. These are hostile civs. ;)

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