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Start & stop Artillery with trigger.

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Hi Folks,

I've found a small script for using static Artillery on one of the ARMA web sites I like to use.

It uses an .sqs file. I then put a trigger on the map and tell it to run the .sqs file on activation.

I've set up a trigger to get the Artillery to fire once I get near the LZ.

I wont the Artillery to start fire when I enter the trigger zone and stop when I leave and do this every time I enter the trigger.

How can I get the trigger to run the .sqm file on entry then stop on exit on multiple occasions?

I can get it to run the first time I enter the trigger and use 'setDammage 1' in the 'on deactivation' field to get it to stop when I leave. I have set the trigger to repeatedly and grouped it to player.

Is there something I can put in the 'on deactivation' field of the trigger to reset it for when I next enter it?

Thanks for any help.


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Ive tried to put terminate/exit in the 'ondeact' field of the trigger but it wont accept the name of the sqs file.

the script I'm using was created by A.Ryan, AKA Taco3866521 (Static artillery script).

I'm not even going to try to pretend that my scripting knowledge is anywhere near that standard but I have tried to intergrate a loop/counter into the sqs file:-

_counter = 0;


? (_counter>=10) : exit

_counter = _counter+1;


Do I need to put this in at the end/begining of the script or break it down part at the begining at part at the end? Tried everything my limited knowledge can think of.

Have started to think that the sqs file is the best way to approach this.

Even tried to take out the 'goto start' and repeat the exec in the trigger 'on act' field with a 'sleep 10' between each and watched all the rounds dump on target one after another in quick sucession.

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