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Have player controled units execute bis_fnc_taskDefend function, while idle

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Being quite new to the Arma II mission editor - or at least to skilled, for a mission I'm making, I want a way to make units in my group run the bis_fnc_taskDefend function, while at my base . This is mean to be quite a sanbox mission, so I can accept if the solution involves linking them to a trigger, or somthing else that the player has to actually click/select.

Preferably using the editor only, without the use of scripts, as I find the scripts to be 'just-not-my-thing', thanks.

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Preferably using the editor only, without the use of scripts, as I find the scripts to be 'just-not-my-thing', thanks.

You realize that BIS_fnc_taskDefend is in fact a script right? :) The editor without using scripts isn't half as useful as it is with script. You can actually do quite a lot of scripting within the editor itself. For a sandbox concept though, you'll have a very difficult time getting by without scripts.

You could have a trigger that ran the taskDefend stuff on groups, but I'm not really sure if that's possible with units you actually control. taskDefend is designed for units you're not in control of since the idea is that you would actually control your guys. Haven't tested it though.

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yes, I knew it was a script, I mean setting up my loop in the editor..... Thanks for the help, I will play around based on what you have said, and see how embarrassingly I can fail ;)

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