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If song is already playing, don't play.

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So, I have a car, and I want it to play a sound. I got that part down, it plays the music it's supposed too, but I want to do it when the player chooses to play the music. When The player does "Toggle" (From the added action to the car), it will start the music. If the music is already playing, it'll hint "A song is already playing". This bit of code isn't working for me, and i'm not sure why. Any idea? Did I do something wrong?

_object = _this select 0;
_toggle = 0;

while { alive _object } do { 
if ( _toggle == 1) then {
hint "A song is already playing";
if ( _toggle == 0 && _toggle != 1) then {
_object say3D "Qom_Nasheed"; 
_toggle = 1;
//sleep 90;
//_toggle = 0;

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Use the condition field of the addAction to prevent the option even showing up if it's playing.

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Use the condition field of the addAction to prevent the option even showing up if it's playing.

I tried this

this addaction ["Song", "Scripts\Qom_Nasheed.sqf", (hideOnUse)];

Didn't work, even tried without ()'s. I've edited the .sqf and changed it to this

_object = _this select 0;
_toggle = 0;

while { alive _object} do { 
_object say3D "Qom_Nasheed"; 
//_toggle = 1;
_object removeAction 0;
Sleep 5;
_object addaction ["Song", "Scripts\Qom_Nasheed.sqf"];
hint "1";

Does the job fine, and removes the action, but i'm kinda stumped. I click song, it disappears for 5 seconds like I want it to, and comes back in 5 seconds. But when I click Song again, it wont dissapear and can be selected infinite times.

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Erm, close.

_object addAction ["Play Song","scripts\Qom_Nasheed.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","!songPlaying"];

Then just have your script set songPlaying to true while playing and reset it when done. Make sure it's a global variable though. Might need to publicVariable and CBA globalExecute if it's multiplayer. :)

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http://gyazo.com/3286cdb24a0f09eb050fea1e98dddcca.png?1344402599 (229 kB)

_object = _this select 0;
_toggle = 0;

while { alive _object} do { 
_object say3D "Qom_Nasheed"; 
songPlaying = True;
//_toggle = 1;
//_object removeAction 0;
Sleep 5;
//_object addaction ["Song", "Scripts\Qom_Nasheed.sqf"];
hint "1";

The "Play Song" option doesn't appear at all, probably since I didn't do the "set songPlaying to true" correctly. Is it set songPlaying = true;, or what? Sorry, i'm still fairly noobie to scripting :P


Tried these too, didn't work

_object setVariable ["songPlaying", true];
_object setsongPlaying True;
_object songPlaying True;

Also tried putting this in my init, didn't work

songPlaying = true;
publicVariable "songPlaying";

Edited by ayser

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You're setting songPlaying to true in the init, but the action is set to only appear when the song is NOT playing. :) (The ! symbol means "not".) That's why you're not seeing it.

Here's a demo.

Edited by kylania

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You're setting songPlaying to true in the init, but the action is set to only appear when the song is NOT playing. :) (The ! symbol means "not".) That's why you're not seeing it.

Doh! Shoulda tried that. It shows up and disappears now when I select it, but 5 seconds after it doesn't pop back up, just re-plays the song. Not sure what i'm doing wrong... So used to java scripting, and this is like a smack in the face

_object = _this select 0;
_toggle = 0;

while { alive _object} do { 
_object say3D "Qom_Nasheed"; 
songPlaying = true;
Sleep 5;
songPlaying = false;
hint "1";

Shouldn't it do the following:

Song starts playing

Sets songPlaying to true

Waits 5 seconds

Sets songPlaying to false (Making the "Play Song" option re-appear)

What it does:

Song starts playing

Sets songPlaying to true

Waits 5 seconds

Song starts playing


Edit: Got it working now :)

_object = _this select 0;
_toggle = 0;

while { alive _object && _toggle == 0} do { 
_object say3D "Qom_Nasheed"; 
_toggle = 1;
hint "Now playing Qom Nasheed";
songPlaying = true;
Sleep 90;
songPlaying = false;
_toggle = 0;

Edited by ayser

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