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3 questions - brand new to editing

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I'm trying to make my first mission in the editor and I can't figure out how to properly enter stuff into the initialization box. The BI wiki doesn't explain it either. When I try to type it in like in the following picture it gives me a missing semicolon error


So my questions are:

1 What's the proper syntax to enter that in?

2 Is it possible to edit multiple units at once? I tried selecting group mode and double clicking the group leader but it only edits the group leader and not the other units in the group.

3 Whats the proper syntax for adding multiple commands in the initialization box?

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this allowFleeing 0;

2. Nope. Sometimes you can use code to do that though. Like this will move all of a group's units into a vehicle called car1 without having to select In Cargo or use multiple moveInCargo commands:

{_x moveInCargo car1} forEach units group this;

3. A trick you can use is click ON the command (like after the 'w' in allowFleeing) and press F1. You'll get context sensitive help. For your example it would have shown you that the syntax for allowFleeing is unit:object,Group allowFleeing courage:number hence the this allowFleeing 0 as above. Sometimes there's even a copyExample button to copy the code to use.

As you type it will give you examples as well. So after you type allowfl you should have seen

unit allowFleeing courage
as a tooltip. The reason you were getting the "missing ;" error was that you weren't listing the unit part of the command so it didn't know what you wanted.

Make sense? :)

Edited by kylania

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