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Water Particles

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Hey guys, Im back with yet another question. So basically I am wondering how I should go about making the water particles for my fire hose (to make it spray water). As you will see in the video, I have a lot of the basics down already, but im just trying to get it to spray water. Anyways, here is a video and my config. Any help will be greatly appreciated!




class CfgWeapons {
class M9;	// External class reference
class M1014;	// External class reference
class M136;	// External class reference
class Binocular;	// External class reference
class Default;	// External class reference
class RifleCore;	// External class reference
class A2L_Firehose : RifleCore {
	fireLightDuration = 0;
	fireLightIntensity = 0;
	scope = 2;
	picture = "\a2l_firehose\icons\firehose.paa";
	displayName = "A2L Fire Hose";
	model = "\a2l_firehose\a2l_firehose.p3d";
	magazines[] = {"A2L_WaterSupply"};
	drySound[] = {};
	autoFire = true;
	reloadAction = "ManActReloadMagazine";
	soundContinuous = 0;
	optics = false;
	cursor = "RifleCursor";
	cursoraim = "Foresight";
	cursorSize = 1;
	value = 4;
	nameSound = "rifle";
	reloadTime = 0.1;
	modelOptics = "-";
	reloadSound[] = {"", 1, 1};
	begin1[] = {"\a2l_firehose\sounds\water.ogg", 1.77828, 1, 1000};
	soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 1};
	sound[] = {"\a2l_firehose\sounds\water.ogg", db20, 1};
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"", 0.0562341, 1, 10};
	bullet1[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet2[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet3[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet4[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet5[] = {"", 0.316228, 1, 15};
	bullet6[] = {"", 0.316228, 1, 15};
	bullet7[] = {"", 0.316228, 1, 15};
	bullet8[] = {"", 0.316228, 1, 15};
	bullet9[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet10[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet11[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	bullet12[] = {"", 0.177828, 1, 15};
	soundBullet[] = {"bullet1", 0.083, "bullet2", 0.083, "bullet3", 0.083, "bullet4", 0.083, "bullet5", 0.083, "bullet6", 0.083, "bullet7", 0.083, "bullet8", 0.083, "bullet9", 0.083, "bullet10", 0.083, "bullet11", 0.083, "bullet12", 0.083};
	opticsFlare = false;
	autoReload = false;
	aiDispersionCoefX = 6;
	aiDispersionCoefY = 6;
	opticsZoomMin = 0.25;
	opticsZoomMax = 1.1;
	opticsZoomInit = 0.5;
	distanceZoomMin = 300;
	distanceZoomMax = 300;
	maxLeadSpeed = 23;	// max estimated speed km/h
	canLock = LockNo;
	flash = "";
	flashSize = 0.0;
	dispersion = 0.0001;
	recoil = "subMachineGunBase";
	recoilProne = "subMachineGunBase";
	ffMagnitude = 0.5;
	ffFrequency = 11;
	ffCount = 3;
	irDistance = 0;
	htMin = 1;
	htMax = 600;
	afMax = 0;
	mfMax = 0;
	mFact = 1;
	tBody = 100;
	muzzleEffect = "cl_water";

My attempt at adding particles:

class clwater {
class Light1 {
	simulation = "light";
	type = "RocketLight";
	position[] = {0, 0, 0};
	intensity = 0.01;
	interval = 1;
	lifeTime = 1;

class MissileEffects1 {
	simulation = "particles";
	type = "cl_water";
	position[] = {0, 0, 0};
	intensity = 1;
	interval = 1;
	lifeTime = 1;
class CfgCloudlets {
class Default;	// External class reference
class cl_water : Default {
	scope = 2;		
	interval = 0.002;
	circleRadius = 0;
	circleVelocity[] = {0, 0, 0};
	angleVar = 1;
	particleFSLoop = 0;
	particleShape = "\Ca\Data\Cl_water";
	particleFSNtieth = 16;
	particleFSIndex = 12;
	particleFSFrameCount = 8;
	animationName = "";
	particleType = "cl_water";
	timerPeriod = 1;
	lifeTime = 1.6;
	moveVelocity[] = {0, 0, 0};
	rotationVelocity = 1;
	weight = 1;
	volume = 0.8;
	rubbing = 0.5;
	size[] = {1, 3.5, 4.5};
	color[] = {{0.9, 0.9, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.9, 0.9, 0.25, 0.3}, {0.9, 0.9, 0.25, 0.2}};
	animationSpeed[] = {1};
	randomDirectionPeriod = 0.1;
	randomDirectionIntensity = 0.1;
	onTimerScript = "";
	beforeDestroyScript = "";
	lifeTimeVar = 1;
	positionVar[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3};
	MoveVelocityVar[] = {1, 1, 1};
	rotationVelocityVar = 1;
	sizeVar = 0.4;
	colorVar[] = {0.9, 0.9, 0.25, 0.5};
	randomDirectionPeriodVar = 0;
	randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0;

Any bit of help would be great! Thanks guys.


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