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Savegame cancels DisableAI command

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HI all,

as you may know (or may not), the very useful DisableAI command is itself disabled by the savegame command.

I can live with it, but do you know a way to retrieve the fact that the player is saving the game, so that i can issue to DisableAI command AGAIN ?

Thanks for reading :)

EDIT : and the same problem exist with loading the game saved...

Edited by ProfTournesol

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That's something new to me. At first I thought you were talking about actually loading the saved game, I didn't think just saving would break things. I don't think there really is a way to check whether the game was saved so I can only see one solution: Looping the disableAI commands constantly.

There is a way to check when a saved game was loaded though. As far as I know, time resets to zero after loading a saved game, so you would simply need to check when the time value is below 2 seconds for example and then issue the disableAI commands. This would be checked constantly throughout the mission in a loop.

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Thanks for the answer, yes that makes sense. I think a simple loop issued that disableai every second or so would be the easiest way.

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I actually think this would be more practical and performance friendly: Place a single AI with the disableAI "MOVE" command, with a waypoint somewhere. Whenever he's moved from his initial position, the game was obviously saved. So if his distance from his initial position is bigger than one meter, only then the disableAI commands would be issued again rather than looping constantly. The "initial position" would then be updated to his new position for any future saves.

Edited by Rellikki

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