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Trying to use the setWeaponReloadTime on a players weapon. Put a player down on utes and added a trigger(activated by radio alpha). The trigger's onact execVM's my reload.sqf.

_wep = currentWeapon player;
player sideChat format["current Weapon is: %1",_wep];
_null = player setWeaponReloadingTime [player,_wep,0.5];

Once I am in game I reload a m4 with a watch out. It takes about 3 seconds then i activate the trigger and reload again. The reload still takes 3 seconds. Because have the third value set to 0.5 (50%) it should take 1.5 seconds. Also I dont get any script errors. Has any one else used this command and is there something i did wrong or overlooked?

command reference: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWeaponReloadingTime

Build: 1.62

Mods: cba, cba_a2, cba_oa, ace, acex, acex, acex_ru, acex_usnavy, acre, jayarma2lib.

Edited by anythingbut

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It's not about reloading weapon's magazine or changing weapon's reload time permanently.

This command changes weapon state between "just fired" (1) and "ready to fire" (0), relatively to cyclic rate of fire (reloadTime).

So, for instance you can make Fired EH which would reduce reload time of given weapon by half because it's executed every time weapon fires. Or, setting reloadtime to 0.5 in constant loop would make weapon appear jammed.

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