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warfare with mods?

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Hey! :)

I was wondering if there is any possibility to make a custom warfare mission with a mod? I searched for hours without success.

If there is a file or a script, what do I have to change so that I can use the Units of the mod?

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i have seen a warfare base on 1944 mod quite similar to benny's warfare...i played it on a team deadly server...(No longer active).

I am also trying to create a warfare from some addons i have found...

1º from a tv-movie and the 2º are the nimitz carrier ,the f-18,the kuznestov and the su-33.

Right now i am busy with smaller scripts so i have not think how to implement all into a warfare mission...

The scripts are:

surrender-capture(WIP),defense teams(finished) and stun weapons(finished) for the 1º mission ,and rearmpoint(not yet finished due to bugs with the addons) and realistic-wounds for the second(the last one for both missions actually) .

Anyway i have thought about mixing it with BI warfare(i found some warfare example files at armaholic)

using somehow the bis_coin module but i think its too complicated...plus i would like to have more than 2 variables(money ,suplies,points for example),plus i dont really know how the suplies really works...(not sure if i can add it to anything but cities)

I also have been testing with Spon money from ArmA and i had quite succesful results.(you can also download it from armaholic).So i will probably use this option rather that the bi warfare module.

For being able to open the mission with arma2 i opened the sqm and changed the units classname and the map...

the mission works fine but no paychecks...and no option to open the dialog...but if you scroll you'll see somewhere the bar does not light up anything... there its where you should open it.

Anyway maybe would be easier for you to just take the script...i took the whole mission just in case it had any triggers that needed to be set up for the mission to work...and i think it does... don't remeber exactly but i am sure needs at least 2 for starting 2 sqf's.

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