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pick up drop off loop. will it work?

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Hi folks,

Ive tried to create a cycle type loop to pick up and put down troops but cant seem to get it to work. I wondered if what I'm am trying to do is possible?

I start by going to a pick up point and load some troops. I then fly to another area and drop them off. They unload an I have them move away from the drop off point. I then have them move back to the drop off point and put a 'transport load' waypoint in. I want to pick them up and take them back to the original pick up point. Once they have got back to the original pick up point I unload them and they 'move' away. At this point I use a 'cycle' waypoint to get them to wait for my return and load-up.

I've tried to do this with one group of troops at both 'load' points so that I load and unload at both points.

I cant seem to get it to work.

Is it possible to do this 'cycle'?

If the guru's of the metal box of mystical programing arts say it is; I'll have another go at putting it together.



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