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[evo] dan

What are the requirements for AI to be able to fastrope from a helicopter?

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I am trying to get some AI to fastrope out of a helicopter.

I have given them the Sheriff's helicopter and tried with and without a winch animated.

The Ai get in (it works just for transport unload synced with a get out for the inf).

I have added an waypoint for fastroping and synced that with a get out waypoint for the infantry. However they do not fastrope from the helicopter.

Do I need to add any coding or anything special to the helicopter in order to be able to get them to fastrope from the helicopter?

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I have been trying to get this to work, and have only had luck thus far in one way:

In the init of the groupleader of the team to be inserted, put

{_x moveInCargo heli; _x assignAsCargo heli} forEach units group this;

Now, put the very first waypoint you give this squad down where you want them to be inserted. Make this a "MOVE" waypoint. Do NOT synchronize this waypoint to anything.

Finally, give your helicopter (in the above example named "heli") a "SCRIPTED" - "FAST-ROPE" waypoint next to the squad's "MOVE" waypoint. Leave them unsynchronized. In this waypoint's "On Activation" box, put:

{unassignVehicle _x} forEach units group squad1;

(Where "squad1" is the name of your group leader, or alternately put "squad1 = group this" in the init of the group leader and simply use {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units squad1;)

Finally, I'm not sure why this works exactly, and I'm not sure that it does work entirely. The last mission I played had three separate squads in the helicopter... I unassigned all of them from the vehicle, but they didn't all seem to finish unloading before my FAST-ROPE waypoint ended and I was given a new destination. I didn't get the "ROPERS OUT" message, so I'm not sure. Maybe you should in fact synchronize some waypoints; I believe I tried this without success but I may be mistaken as to the exact process I tried.

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Isn't there a module for that? If not did you extract one of the fast-roping missions from the career and take a look how it's done in there?

Finally, I'm not sure why this works exactly, and I'm not sure that it does work entirely. The last mission I played had three separate squads in the helicopter... I unassigned all of them from the vehicle, but they didn't all seem to finish unloading before my FAST-ROPE waypoint ended and I was given a new destination. I didn't get the "ROPERS OUT" message, so I'm not sure. Maybe you should in fact synchronize some waypoints; I believe I tried this without success but I may be mistaken as to the exact process I tried.

You can ask if the squads are still in the vehicle (syntax: squad1 in vehicle heli1) in the waypoint after the fast-rope one so it only gets activated if all the units you want have disembarked.

/edit: Maybe it's just squad1 in heli1. Not sure, try yourself.

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