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Yes it\'s a mod take a look.

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The name of the mod is "The Armageddon Clock" and it's going pretty well as a matter of fact. So we decided to advertise it a little bit and see the reactions. So if you're interested, visit:


And if you have any comments, questions or anything, post and ask.

Thanx. Genesis, the evil mastermind of The Armageddon Clock

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Thanx for the first reply Devil smile.gif Much of hard work is still to be done, but I believe the mod will turn out to be quite good. For all ye NATO fanatics, this campaign will show the effects of full-scale nuclear exchange of the two superpowers. So, for example, the M1A2 Abrams MBT is quite useless if it doesn't have fuel ('cos electronics need the gasturbine to operate) and you have soviet infantry platoon coming at your positions. That sort of thing.

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Sounds cool :cool:

Keep us informed and post some cool pictures if you can.

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Yes I will. I was just doing mortars, 60mm, 81/82mm and 120mm. The personal weaponry is almost ready, including assault rifles, and grenades with new sounds. The campaign is partly done (6 missions, few intros etc.) but I will wait to see if BIS is going to release that long awaited SDK. Perhaps then we'll be able to make new islands, or in this case, terrains. With towns at least, perhaps cities, if it doesn't lag average CPU's and graphics cards too much. (average being? 1GHz T-BIRD and a GF2 maybe?)

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And this mod will have place in the Central Europe, German/Poland border.

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The units have new attributes, new sounds, some new textures. Plus, I have been working also with a campaign that will use these new units. I believe if you modify all of the units, make a bunch of totally new weapons, and vehicles et cetera et cetera you can with good reason call your work a modification, because that's what it is. download the sample file which contains the firefight sounds. It has the new units in action. (Althought I modified the sound levels after that  because they were a bit too loud and so on.) Perhaps I could make a sample ingame video where you could see what I have done. Coming right up (within 24hours, AVI format)

(Edited by Genesis at 10:02 am on Nov. 29, 2001)

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When it's done. May take a while, because i'm not getting rich with this biggrin.gif But not too long, before OFP2 wink.gif Kidding, it's coming after christmas sometime.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Genesis on 9:03 am on Nov. 29, 2001

Yes I will. I was just doing mortars, 60mm, 81/82mm and 120mm. <span id='postcolor'>

if you need help with figuring out how to make a good efficient and realistic aiming system, let me know smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Genesis on 10:22 am on Nov. 29, 2001

For the mortars?<span id='postcolor'>

Pete is a mortar freak (he also did something with a mortar in the army, don't know what smile.gif)

So yes on your question.

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I could sure use all voices that I can get my hands with smile.gif So if you have a nice voice, please join in the development. All voices are considered, so if youre interested, email me jarkko.sarkimaki@cop.fi

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Genesis on 11:22 am on Nov. 29, 2001

For the mortars?

<span id='postcolor'>

yes, just so you dont mess up and make a "point on the map magic fire" system smile.gif

i want real mortars, with realistic aiming system (aint that hard)...i was a mortar/infantry soldier in the army.

and no, even if DVII thinks i did something with the mortars it aint true, or atleast...you cant prove it as i burned all evidence. smile.gif

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LOL!!! :biggrin: "Oh look mommy, look what that evil man is doing to that poor 82mm mortar!"

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and they stole the plot right out of a discovery program.. its to close to be a coinsidence.. and dont come and say that it was disc that took your idea first ;P

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Actually, the plot is inspired by Fallout series of games, and Twilight 2K RPG, plus I have indeed read quite alot material from cold war era.

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