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God of Monkeys

How can I add action with UAV to Leader when a task complete?

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How can I add action with UAV to Leader when a task complete?

I want to make a mision,when task 1 is done,Leader will have ability to use UAV.

Before task 1 done,the Leader can't use UAV.

And how to write scipt to let UAV can add action to leader directly,without use laptop or control terminal etc...

Thank you all editor~!^^

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Well mid game module executions is a bit challenging when they are modules that require synchronization. Firstly if you want to enable a UAV without a control terminal then use the UAV backpack, use:

unit addBackapack "theclassname"; //you can find the classname through a search, maybe on BI wiki.

so that deals with that. On how to implement that mid mission, well i'm not sure if anyone has ideas about syncing backpacks to the module. best thing i can think of is to create another unit exactly the same as the playerunit, position it way out on the map and sync it to the module. then when task 1 completes you could use a mix of setPosATL, getpostATL, deleteVehicle, and switchPlayer to basically delete your playerunit, move the player to the 'other' unit, and position that 'other' unit exactly where the original unit was.

It really does depend on the mission, of course there are weapons & team mates to take into account, addWeaponsPool maybe, but overall for a smooth execution an intricate, dynamic script would have to be used to handle the switch.

i know it sounds complicated but i can't think of any other ways, execpt maybe if you search through backpacks in static section, see if you can get the UAV backpack, sync it, position it in the editor next to where task 1 completes, and then ask the player to pick that backpack up, with luck, you should be able to access the UAV, not guaranteeing anything. Maybe if anyone can post ideas of Mid-game modules init.

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