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Hello everybody *HI* ,

I have two questions about the radio text you can create;

1. How do you make it lowercase?


man sidechat "Hello sweetheart!"

comes out to: "'1-1-A': HELLO SWEETHEART!"

I don't know why but it kind of annoys me and I've seen other people's missions with this.

2. How do you change the Crossroads thing?


[west, "HQ"] sidechat "Yo homie!"

comes out to: "'CROSSROADS': YO HOMIE!"

Crossroads kind of sounds stupid to me. HQ would be nice lol... *JOKINGLY*

Any help would be appreciated,

aereo *HELP*

Edited by aereo

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Don't think you can make it lower case.

If you don't like the "CROSSROADS" thing change it with this in your init.sqf...


Then you can use..

PAPABEAR sidechat "Yo Homie!"

Of course you can replace PAPABEAR with whatever you want.

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ok thanks! but does anyone else know how to make it lowercase? I've seen it before

Edited by aereo

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You can make it lower case BUT it requires a description.ext and in that place:

class CfgRadio


sounds[] = {};

class gradMission_1


name = "";

sound[] = {};

title = "What the hell, command didn't mention anything about artillery in the area?";


class gradMission_2


name = "";

sound[] = {};

title = "second lot of text";



then you would use unit sideRadio "gradMission_1";

and hey presto, you have lower case text as appropiate. if you don't know about description.ext then look at it on the bi wiki and search of course. incidentatly if you are using sound files, you may want to consider the KB method as shown in the sticky, new conversations thread, hell of a lot more complex though.

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I see what you are saying but just one thing...when you use unit sideradio "gradmission_1" do you have to also include unit sideradio "gradmission_2" as well?


Nevermind I got it! Thank you so much for the help!

Edited by aereo

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